Dr. Marinela Adriana Chețan
I am currently a research assistant at the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara. I am interested in Remote Sensing and Physical geography.
Research interests
Remote Sensing | Land use / land cover | Geographic Information Systems and Science (GIS) | Physical Geography |
Teaching activities
Geoinformatics | Geographic Information Systems | Digital mapping | Remote Sensing |
Professional experience
2021 – present: Research assistant at the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara. Teaching: Geoinformatics; Geographic Information Systems
2013-2018 PhD from the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara. Supervisor: Professor PhD Petru Urdea
2011-2013 MSc from the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara. Specialization: Geographic Information Systems. Professional skills: Databases (MySQL and Oracle), Programming (Python language), Remote Sensing, Geomorphometry, Project Management, Location Based Services, Geostatistics and spatial statistics
2007-2010 BSc from the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara. Specialization: Geography. Professional skills: Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Cartography and topography, Geoinformatics, Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology, Geomorphology, Soil Science, Biogeography, Human Geography
Dornik A., Cheţan M.A., Crişan T.E., Heciko R., Gora A., Drăguţ L., Panagos P., 2024, Geospatial evaluation of the agricultural suitability and land use compatibility in Europe’s temperate continental climate region, International Soil and Water Conservation Research (IF 6.4; Q1), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2024.01.002
Dornik A., Cheţan M-A., Drăguţ L., Dicu D.D., Iliuţă A., 2022, Optimal scaling of predictors for digital mapping of soil properties, Geoderma (IF 6.114; AIS 1.122; Q1), 405:115453, DOI: 1016/j.geoderma.2021.115453
Dornik A., Cheţan M-A., Drăguţ L., Iliuţă A., Dicu D.D., 2022, Importance of the mapping unit on the land suitability assessment for agriculture, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (IF 6.757; AIS 0.932; Q1), 201: 107305, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107305
Dornik A., Ion M. C., Chețan M-A., Pârvulescu L., 2021, Soil-Related Predictors for Distribution Modelling of Four European Crayfish Species, Water (IF 3.103; AIS 0.5; Q2), 13:16, 2280,https://doi.org/10.3390/w13162280
Cheţan, M-A., Dornik, A., 2021, 20 years of landscape dynamics within the world’s largest multinational network of protected areas, Journal of Environmental Management (IF 6.789; AIS 1.074; Q1), 280, 111712, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111712
Cheţan, M-A., Dornik, A., Ardelean, F., Georgievski, G., Hagemann, S., Romanovsky, V.E., Onaca, A., Drozdov, D.S., 2020, 35 Years of Vegetation and Lake Dynamics in the Pechora Catchment, Russian European Arctic, Remote Sensing (IF 4.848; AIS 0.933; Q1), 12:11, 1863, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12111863
Ardelean, F., Onaca, A., Cheţan, M-A., Dornik, A., Georgievski, G., Hagemann, S., Timofte, F., Berzescu, O., 2020, Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic, Remote Sensing (IF 4.848; AIS 0.933; Q1), 12:23, 3999, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12233999
Chețan, M-A., Dornik, A., Urdea, P., 2018, Analysis of recent changes in natural habitat types in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania), using multi-temporal Landsat satellite imagery (1986–2015), Applied Geography (IF 3.068; AIS 0.859; Q1), 97, 161-175, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.06.007
Chețan, M., A., Dornik, A., Urdea, P., 2017, Comparison of Object and Pixel-based Land Cover Classification through three Supervised Methods, ZFV – Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 142(5):265, DOI: 10.12902/zfv-0165-2017
Chețan, M-A., 2021, Analiza schimbărilor tipurilor de habitat în siturile Natura 2000 Munții Apuseni-Vlădeasa, Defileul Mureșului Inferior-Dealurile Lipovei și Drocea-Zarand, între 1986 și 2015, Editura Universităţii de Vest, ISBN 978-973-125-862-1, 185 p. (book)
Research grants
2021-2022, Postdoctoral researcher, Racul bihorean: de la necunoscut, spre măsuri moderne de conservare a speciei, PCE 3/04.01.2021, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1187, 1.197.712,00 lei. Website
2020, Postdoctoral researcher, Project: Study of the development of extreme events over permafrost areas (SODEEP), Ministry of Research and Innovation and CNCS – UEFISCDI within ERANET, Project number ERANET-RUS-PLUS-SODEEP, Budget: 528460 lei. Website
2019-2020, Postdoctoral researcher, Project: Big Data Science, PNIII 28 FTE, Project acronym: BID, 5 000 000 lei. Website
V. Parvan 4, Timisoara